9 Original Activities to Embark on Before You Turn 50

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Many people divide life into milestones. This makes it easier for us to evaluate our achievements and see how we are doing in general. Each milestone has its to-do list and the most grandiose one certainly belongs to the age of 50. So what to include there? Let’s see a few ideas.

A Wilderness Expedition

By 50, we’d love to have seen life in its diversity. A wilderness expedition in a remote location like the Amazon rainforest or the Alaskan tundra sounds perfect for that. Plan a guided tour where you will

  • learn survival skills
  • understand the ecosystem
  • truly disconnect from the digital world.

This adventure may really change how you see things.

Win Money

Winning money is a unique experience because it shows you that some things in life are dictated by chance, good chance. This is very inspiring and can fill you with hope for the rest of your life. By the way, you don’t necessarily have to win money itself. On sites like Roll XO, you can test your luck in the free play mode. That is, you’ll play a game of chance and win virtual chips.

Other ways to win money may include

Whatever you choose, you’ll certainly love the sense of satisfaction this experience brings to you.

A Silent Retreat

Life is noise. So if you want to experience profound tranquility and insight at least once in your life, you should head for a week-long silent retreat. Such retreats are often held in monastic communities or dedicated meditation centers. Their goal is to encourage deep self-reflection and mental clarity. When you disconnect from daily conversations and noise, you let your mind refresh.

Develop a New Tech Skill

Most likely, you’ll have this completed even if it’s not on our list. It’s just what modern life is like. But even if you don’t have to do it for work, do it for yourself. It should be a very rewarding experience. Some ideas of skills to learn are

  • coding
  • app development
  • AI and ML basics.

Of course, it may be hard to learn that on your own so you can turn to platforms like Codecademy or Coursera. These often have free courses that introduce you to the basics.

Restore a Vehicle

Restoration is another amazing experience that’s worth including on any to-do list. The most realistic format is restoring a car but you can restore a house, too. Either way, the beauty of this activity is that it offers a tangible end product. Plus, the process of bringing your vision to life is gratifying in and of itself.

Publish a Collection of Stories or Poems

We all have our inner writers. The latter often stays idle until we find something we are truly passionate about. So, first and foremost, listen to yourself. Don’t try to compile a collection of stories at once. Just write down your thoughts on what interests you. Similarly, write down ideas and plots when you are in a creative mood.

If you keep doing this for years, you’ll have quite a lot of content one day. And thanks to self-publishing platforms, it should be easy to see your work in print.

Plant a Sustainable Garden

A sustainable garden is one that focuses on permaculture principles. It’s not the most obvious idea for such a to-do list but it’s a worthy one. This practice

  • teaches you about sustainability
  • provides a peaceful space in your home.

A project like this can be long-term (in fact, permanent) so you can return to it whenever you have time and enthusiasm.

Learn a Craft

Learning something new is always cool. But learning a craft is an absolutely unique experience. If you don’t know which one to choose, go for a lesser-known one:

  • glassblowing
  • leatherworking
  • blue pottery.

Such crafts can even turn into a lucrative hobby. When you become more or less proficient in it, look for local shops or studios where you could sell your items.

Host a Cultural Exchange Dinner

Now, closing this list is an experience that is super easy to arrange (especially as compared to the wilderness expedition or silence retreat). It’s an idea of organizing a dinner where each guest brings a dish from a different culture. This event is, first and foremost, enjoyable. Besides, it promotes cultural exchange and understanding among friends and family. It’s a fun, educational way to spend an evening that’s worth trying at least once in your life.