Hail Holy Queen Prayer [SALVE REGINA]
Hail Holy Queen Prayer or Salve Regina, was originally in Latin and was composed in 11 century A.D. It is sung from before Trinity Sunday until the first Sunday of Advent. You can find the prayer below. Also, you will find a gallery with pictures for social share. All of the pictures are shareable. Just hover over them and you will get a share option.
The prayer “Hail Queen” (lat. “Salve Regina”) was created at the time of the terrible suffering of the Benedictine “Shrunken Herman” and is one of the most beautiful prayers to the Virgin Mary. Little Herman was born on July 18, 1013, in the town of Altshausen (northern Germany), as the son of Count Wolverade and mother Hiltrude.
He was educated in a Benedictine monastery on the island of Reichenau in the middle of Lake Constance. He was a skillful and talented young man, excelling in philosophy and mathematics, astronomy and theology. He was also a famous poet and writer, musician, and historian.
When he was at the height of his fame, he asked the Benedictines to receive him into the convent. They gladly receive him, and after some time he takes vows and promises to live according to the principle and rule of St. Benedict of Nursia: “pray and work” (continue below).
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Hail Holy Queen Prayer Catholic
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
hail, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To you we cry, the children of Eve;
to you we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this land of exile.
Turn, then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us;
lead us home at last
and show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus:
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary
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Salve Regina Prayer Gallery Below
In his greatest creative ecstasy, he was bitten by an unknown disease: he was convulsing more and more, his muscles were tightening, and his nerves were becoming more and more sensitive. Instead of standing upright, he walked completely curled up, instead of his soles, he walked with clenched toes and heels.
The same thing happened with the hands. They gave him the nickname: “Shrunken Herman”. Then came his scariest day. It was on the eve of Mary’s Assumption. In the evening he lingered too long in the cold wind of Lake Constance. He got pneumonia. It was terrible. He could hardly stand it anymore: he was screaming, biting his fingers and lips, banging his head against the wall, just to ease the pain. But nothing helped.
He then asked the nurse’s brother to take him to the church in front of the statue of the Mother of God Mary. In great sorrow and pain he greeted Our Lady: “Hello Queen!” In the most severe pains he cried out: “Mother of mercy, our sweetness and hope, hello!” When everyone had left him and no one could help him, he turned to Mary and sighed, “I cry out to you, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears!”
He begged her: “Turn, then, our Advocate, those merciful eyes of yours on me!”
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