Happy Wednesday Blessings [+IMAGES]
Positive And Wonderful Wednesday Blessings With Images For Midweek Motivation And Inspiration. These Blessings Will Clear Your Mind And Chase Those Negative Thoughts.
Wednesday is a fasting day because it was on Wednesday that Judas betrayed Jesus Christ. It is an event that preceded his suffering and that is why the church designated Wednesday as a day of prayer and abstinence from fatty foods.
We have compiled a collection of 30 blessings for this special day. We want you to feel blessed and motivated. We know it’s midweek, but feel God’s presence and persevere, Saturday is just around the corner.
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Positive good morning wednesday blessings

Be thankful that it’s a Wednesday. Be thankful that you got to the level you are now. You are blessed beyond doubt. Have a blissful Wednesday altogether

The blessings accompanying this Wednesday for you specifically will never be mistaken. You shall achieve and excel beyond your imagination

Welcome to a bright new day called Wednesday. All your prayers will be answered and your wishes granted. You are blessed and you will be a blessing to your generation

We have 365 days in a year and 24hours a day but God has chosen today to bless you. For all your good deeds, you will be rewarded with unlimited blessings

Today will be memorable in your life. You shall look back at today’s activity and smile to yourself for the goodness of the lord. Have a happy Wednesday

May this Wednesday morning bring you the blessing of thankfulness and appreciation for all that you have

May God’s presence be with you this Wednesday In all that you do and all that you say

In fact, by almost any objective measure we are blessed to live better now, on average, than in any other period in history
Wonderful wednesday quotes

Be thankful for the small joys in life, even in them we’re blessed

Be willing to share your blessings. The only riches that last are the ones that are given away

May God give you the strength and will to handle today’s challenges, grace to keep achieving, and strong health to keep living. May this Wednesday be a blessing to you

May you be blessed this Wednesday morning. Thank you for all you do, but most of all for being you

The joy in your heart will increase in abundance because the lord has seen you and found favor on your side. You have been blessed always. Have a great Wednesday

Because you have thought of good things to come your way, good things will locate you all through your days on earth. Have a blessed Wednesday day

Never worry about what is gone on the previous day. Rejoice for all you have lost in the past will be reinstated back. Have a blessed Wednesday morning
Beautiful wednesday blessings

Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen

I arise on Wednesday morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world

Let Wednesday be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become

May God Bless you this day with immense happiness

A blessing for special moments that turn this Wednesday into a wonderful day

Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good enjoy them because they won’t last forever. And if things are going bad, don’t worry, because they can’t last forever either

Good Morning Love. May God bless every day of your life with a ray of sun, a touch of hope, a glint of joy and a drop of love
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Good Morning Dear! May you find moments that make you smile today. Happy Wednesday

And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence

Let this Wednesday be a new lesson for you. May you learn from water to adjust yourself in every lemon that life throws at you, in every shape and always find your way to be your beautiful self

A beautiful day must always begin with a positive mindset. The moment you start believing that your life is a blessing, it will unfold itself as one

Have a great and joyful Wednesday. Remember that there are far better things waiting for you ahead in life than the things you have left behind

May this Wednesday overflow you with blessings

Always keep a bottle of wine in the fridge for special Wednesdays
If a man who seeks the Blessed Sacrament in prayer is not a believer, then he will not receive an answer from God. Without faith we cannot expect blessings.
Christians, it is good to work for your faith because faith is the only way to receive blessings. If you want the Blessed Sacrament, only faith can help you. If prayer is not the sincere prayer of a man of faith, it cannot reject the answers of God’s throne.
Faith is the angelic voice between our souls and the Lord, Jesus Christ. Without that angelic voice, we will not be able to say a prayer or get an answer. Faith is a telegraphic connection that unites the Earth and the Sky, through her, God’s messenger of love travels really fast, that we get an answer before we send our message.
But if that telegraphic wire is cut, how will we get our answer?
Am I in trouble? Help in trouble can only be received by faith. Did the enemy bring me down? My soul will, by faith, rely on God. If I have no faith, it is pointless for me to rely on God. Without her, there is no route between my soul and Heaven.
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